
Tuesday 11 September 2018

Your Pastor is the best preacher

The apostle Paul had a deep dedication towards the people he preached to and pastored. It was not just a matter of preaching to a bunch of people, hoping that some would believe, and then moving on. Paul set up churches with good leaders, and continued to pray for the people, and sometimes had later contact with the churches again. Today we can listen to sermons via YouTube or podcasts from all over the world, and from many “big names”. This is good, but we need to recognise that effective teaching involves several aspects. The message must, of course, be Biblically based, true to the word of God, But we also need the work of the Holy Spirit, and we need the personal dedication of our leaders and each other. That is why the direct preaching in our own local church, and in various small groups that we might have, are so important. And podcasts are absolutely no substitute for teaching within the local church. The most effective teacher/preacher in your life is the pastor/minister in your church and your small group leader, not Tim Keller (whom I happen to like) or whichever international preacher you like. And if you are a pastor/minister or group leader you should realise how important you are in God's working.

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