
Tuesday 4 September 2018

Acts 13:48-52 - The word of the Lord spread

The Gentiles were delighted to hear this. Now note the difference here, and what is presented throughout the Bible, and what the world and sadly parts of the church rejoice in. Here they glorified the word of God. Through Christ they could be forgiven and receive new life. The world, and parts of the church, delight in a message that says “you can continue as you are, God approves of you”, this is a blasphemous message, and does not bring life. “As many as had been appointed to eternal life”. The Jews believed that they were the chosen people, and of course they are, but they completely misunderstood what that meant. The Gentiles who believed were just as much chosen people, and it is equally important that we properly understand what that means.

Here we see two things happening. The word of the Lord spread throughout the region. Note that it is the word of the Lord that spreads, not the church. The church is produced by the word of the Lord, so often we put the emphasis on the church. Now the church is vitally important, but the church is only effective when it is committed to the word of the Lord.
At the same time as this was happening, the Jews were stirring up opposition from “devout and prominent women” and the chief men of the city, and this led to Paul and Barnabas being expelled from the city.
Many Gentile women were interested in Judaism, more so than Gentile men. There is one very obvious reason for this! Another reason is that men would risk losing social status.

Paul and Barnabas followed the instructions of Jesus by shaking the dust off their feet (Matt 10:14). This was a symbolic act. The leaders of the city were rejecting Paul and Barnabas, but the gospel was rejecting them. We need to be aware of this hard edge to the gospel. The gospel is not just a matter of being nice!  They left there and went to Iconium. It was a prosperous city, lying about 85 miles away.
The disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t say which disciples, whether it wa the ones in Antioch, or the ones with Paul and Barnabas.

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