
Tuesday 18 September 2018

Acts 15:22-31 - It seemed good to the apostles

The decision having been made, it was implemented in an orderly and sensible manner. They sent some men from the Jerusalem church to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. This would demonstrate beyond doubt that the decision did indeed have the full backing of the apostles in Jerusalem, and they need pay no attention to any future Judaisers. Silas, one of the men chosen, would become a future companion of Paul. They also sent a letter, so there was no room for doubt in the decision that had been made.
So we see that in this whole matter there is the work of the Holy Spirit, there is the wisdom of godly men, and there is proper administration. If we miss any one of these elements then we are heading for trouble.

The letter began by recognising the concerns of the Antioch church, and the disturbing effect that it had had. It then explained that men from Jerusalem had been sent along with Paul and Barnabas. These men had risked their lives for Christ. So they were men of genuine faith, not armchair believers. The letter then outlined the decision of the council.

So the outcome of the council was communicated to the believers in Antioch. This news brought great rejoicing. Why was this? Because the gospel had brought new life to the believers in Antioch, and this included Gentile believers. This new life had come as a result of faith in Jesus Christ, not as a result of any religious observance. So it meant that what they were doing was vindicated, and it meant that the work among the Gentiles could continue, and that there was unity between the Jerusalem church and the Antioch church.

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