
Sunday 9 September 2018

Acts 14:19-22 - Making many disciples

Paul and his co-workers were pursued by Jews from Antioch and Iconium, Antioch was about 100 miles away, and Iconium 20 miles. So we see the fervour of the Jews in opposing the gospel. God’s own people opposed God’s good plan of salvation. We sometimes have this naive notion that if only we are nice enough and kind enough then everyone will see the goodness of God and the gospel. Rubbish! We are utterly dependent upon the grace of God in changing the hearts of individuals and groups of people, and we need to realise this. At the same time, when God does work He will work through our acts of kindness and goodness, along with the preaching and teaching of the gospel.
The Jews stirred up the people and so they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city. Crowds can be changed one way or the other, and the acclamation of the masses is a very fickle thing indeed. And Paul was left for dead. Paul, however, was not dead. So he got up and they left for Derbe, about 60 miles away, or three days journey.

They, of course, preached the gospel in Derbe and made many disciples. The great commission is about making disciples of Jesus, not just “getting a decision”, but a firm commitment to follow Him. They then returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, ie places where violent opposition had come from. Paul and his co-workers were devoted to the gospel. They strengthened the believers. So even though there was serious opposition in these places there were still believers there. Paul did not hide the reality of suffering for the gospel, and they had just witnessed this. Most Jews expected a time of tribulation before the coming of the kingdom. In the Olivet discourse (Mark 13:5-26) Jesus talks of the birth pangs. In Revelation we have the great tribulation. Suffering can be a prelude to growth of the kingdom.

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