
Wednesday 19 September 2018

Acts 15:32-40 - Strengthening the churches

Judas and Silas, the two representatives from Jerusalem, were prophets. This was an important ministry within the early church. So they exercised their gift. Note that we are not told what they said, only that they “exhorted and strengthened” the believers. In one sense this is quite annoying, in fact there is very little information in the New Testament about what prophets said. But in another sense this is good. For one thing it demonstrates that what they “prophesied” was not regarded as scriptural. Cessationists sometimes seem to want to insist that all prophecy must be on a par with scripture, there is no Biblical support for such a view. We need more prophets today.

Judas and Silas had been welcomed in Antioch, and after some time were then sent back to Jerusalem. In some translations, such as ESV, NIV, you will not find a verse 34, in others,, eg NKJV you will, and it says that Silas decided to remain there. This was possibly added to explain how Silas came to be part of Paul’s group (see v40). Paul and Barnabas remained there teaching and preaching. Teaching is primarily to the church, preaching may have been to the church, but possibly also to the world.

After some time Paul wanted to go back to the churches they had planted to see how they were doing. A sharp disagreement arose over this, namely over whether John Mark should join them. Earlier Mark had left them and Paul thought that this ruled him out, Barnabas disagreed. In the end Paul and Barnabas went their separate ways and Paul took Silas instead, and went through Syria and Cilicia. This shows that we are not getting any sugar-coated picture of the early church. Even with the great apostle, disagreements arose. The church is Spirit led, but this does not make us immune from human disputes.

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