
Saturday 8 April 2017

Luke 8:1-3 - Women followers

A feature of Luke’s gospel is the number of references to women. We do not appreciate just how liberating the gospel was for women in the first century. Jesus went around “proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God”. The kingdom brings true freedom. It is noteworthy that it is in countries that have a Christian heritage that there is the greatest level of equality and freedom. Sadly, and at our cost, western nations in their pride, arrogance and stupidity are now abandoning that heritage as quickly as possible. There will be a heavy price to pay for this folly, and it will be paid most by the weakest in society.

Luke tells us that Jesus was followed by some women who had been “healed of evil spirits and infirmities”. Tradition links Mary Magdalene to the sinful woman of the previous chapter, but this is only tradition so we should exercise some care. However, we do know that she was set free from seven demons. Demon possession is a real issue. Much of the church ignores it altogether, this is a mistake. But part of the problem is that when churches do take the matter seriously they often go about it in a cack-handed manner. Usually it is done as something scary, yet if we look at the gospel accounts we generally do not find that. Jesus knows how to set people free from demons, we should expect Him to do this in our day.

There were many other women who followed Jesus, some of whom came from reasonably well-off backgrounds. Moreover, these women helped to provide financially for Jesus and the disciples. Women played a key role in the progress of the gospel from the very beginning.

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