
Tuesday 11 April 2017

Luke 16-21 - Who is my family?

The word of God is meant to be on display, it is meant to be heard. And when the word comes into our life and sets us alight we are meant to be seen. Our society is increasingly anti-Christian and does not want to hear the truth. That is the will of the world. But the will of God is that His light is seen by the world. The world may try to smother the light, but it is God’s light so they will not succeed. We need to know which side we are on and which side we are working for.
So we are to consider carefully how we listen. We need to listen with the ears of Christ, and with His purposes in view. We may understand only a little, but if we take small steps in the direction of that godly understanding more understanding will be given. We sometimes want God to give us the full revelation before we do anything, but that is not the way He works. He gives us a little and sees if we will act upon it. If we do then more is added, if we do not, then even what we have is taken away.


In Mark and Matthew this incident is placed before the parable of the sower, but we need to bear in mind that the gospel writers were not concerned with giving strict chronological order, but with the lessons that Jesus was teaching, both in word and deed. Family was extremely important in that society, far more greatly valued than it is in our society. So one might have thought that since Jesus’ mothers and brothers were there Jesus would give priority to them, but there is a more important relationship. As far as Jesus is concerned it is those who hear and do the word that are most important. Now we need to understand Jewish idioms, and Jesus is not saying family does not matter. The Bible, Old and New Testament, is stuffed full of instructions to take care of our families,and Jesus Himself showed concern for His mother even as He was dying on the cross. But there may come times when it is a choice between Jesus and family, in those times Jesus must come first.

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