
Wednesday 8 July 2009

Zephaniah 3:1-5

Attention now turns back to Judah and Jerusalem, and the attacks are even more severe. First the sin of Jerusalem is outlined in some detail. The people oppressed other people, they were rebellious, and they were defiled. When people desert God the outcome will always be mistreatment of people. Conversely if we want to be good to other people we need to love God. This often comes from a rebellious spirit, and rebellion against God will again show itself in a rebellious attitude towards all authority. When we reject God we will indulge in behaviour that defiles ourselves (see Romans 1:18 onwards).

The people obeyed no one and would not accept correction, this is the result of rebellion. She would not trust God nor draw near to Him. The officials were like roaring lions, ie people to be feared, as were her rulers her were like wolves. The prophets lacked principles, and could not be trusted, and the priests profaned the sanctuary of God, and paid no respect to the Law.

This is all very depressing. However, we can turn it on its head and see what qualities we should have. We are to be teachable, and people who trust in God. We are to draw near to Him. When faced with difficulties our instinct should be to turn to God. At the start of each day we should commit ourselves to the Lord.

If we have positions of authority we should exercise it as a servant. We are there to be make people's lives better, not to Lord it over others, or to use it for our own advantage.

If we speak on God's behalf as a prophet, preacher or teacher, then we should be men and women of integrity, people should be able to trust us. As priests (and all believers are priests) we should honour our own bodies (which are temples of the Holy Spirit), and respect all of God's ways.

The attitude of the people is in stark contrast to that of God. What does it mean to say "morning by morning He dispenses His justice"? From what has just been said, it seems that there would be precious little evidence of this in Jerusalem.

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