
Thursday 16 July 2009

2 Peter 1:12-20

Peter is happy to continue to remind them of the truth. Peter knows that his life will shortly come to an end. Indeed Jesus had told him the kind of death he would suffer (John 21:19), therefore he is keen to ensure that his hearers continue and grow in the gospel. Peter had experienced the reality of the gospel and what it meant, so he wants others to enjoy the same.

The good news was not made up by men. Most religions and philosophies are the products of men's minds, and some of them are complete fabrications. But Peter and the other apostles told them what they had seen. Moreover Peter, James and John had been witnesses to the transfiguration. They saw Jesus glorified, and heard the Father's voice affirming His Son (Matthew 17:1-7).

The prophets, especially Isaiah, had prophesied about what would happen. They spoke long before Jesus came, when the nation was often in a state of apostasy. Peter reminds them that prophecy in Scripture is a result of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is not a result of the prophet's own interpretation.

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