
Friday 31 July 2009

Ezekiel 6

Ezekiel is now told to use words, and in particular to speak against the mountains of Israel. The reason why the mountains of Israel were important, and are mentioned by other prophets (eg Micah) as well, is twofold. First they signified the rugged terrain of Israel; secondly, and more importantly in the current context, they were the places where pagan worship took place. In Kings and Chronicles we read of pagan worship taking place on the "high places", and of some kings doing good things, but generally not taking down the high places. These high places had arisen partly as a result of Israel mixing their religion with pagan worship practices of the nations. Since the nation had failed to get rid of these abominations, God would do it Himself. Indeed this is a pattern, God gives people a chance to put things right themselves, if they fail to do so, then He acts Himself in judgement.

These pagan sites sometimes involved human sacrifice, but the Israelites would find themselves killed at these sites. They will see the utter futility of these idols they worshipped.

However, a remnant would be preserved. The remnant would realise what had gone wrong, how they had grieved God by worshipping idols and lusting after other things.Then they will be appalled at their behaviour.

People may say it is terrible that God can inflict such judgements, but the really terrible thing is that we live such lives that deserve such judgement, The nations around them would see the judgement and understand.

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