
Thursday 23 July 2009

2 Peter 3:4-9

One of the things the scoffers were saying is "where is this coming?". It is generally believed that the early church expected Christ to return soon, or at least within there lifetime, so when He didn't this caused some concern within the church, and caused others to mock the church.

Peter's first response in verses 5-7 seems a strange response to us. Why on earth does Peter start talking about God judging the world by water? One reason is that the story of Noah was very important to Peter. The more important reason is that the thing the people should primarily be concerned with is judgement. Doing something about the judgement that would otherwise come upon them is the issue they should be addressing, not when the Lord would return.

The second answer that Peter gives does mean more to us. Essentially Peter is saying that God's concept of time and ours are often completely different. Somethings can seem to take ages, others can happen extremely quickly, but to God it makes no difference. Moreover, God's desire is that all people come to repentance.

People are still far too concerned with when Jesus will return. Jesus Himself warned us against doing this. Instead we should focus with getting on with the task, then whenever He does return we will be ready.

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