
Tuesday 14 July 2009

2 Peter 1:5-7

"For this reason". Since we have been given everything we need then we should make every effort to take advantage of this. Just looking back again at the statement in v4, "everything we need for a godly life", we should take great encouragement from this. It means that whatever circumstances we face, whatever ungodly reactions and attitudes we find arising on ourselves, it is possible for us to overcome them.

Our goal should be to increase our "goodness". Faith is not a mere intellectual or emotional thing, it is about changing our very nature, and changing the nature of our lives. We need to want to do the right thing. However, we need to know what the right thing is. In many cases this obvious, but in other cases it isn't, or lack of understanding hinders us from doing the right thing. So we need to add knowledge to goodness.

But knowing and wanting are not enough, we need self-control as well. Self-control is often mentioned as part of the fruit of the Spirit. Sin leads us to go out of control, the Spirit leads us to regain self-control over ourselves and our lives. No matter what pressure we face, it is actually possible for us to remain self-controlled.

None of this is a one-off decision, we need to persist. So we need to add perseverance to all the other qualities, the quality of just keeping on pursuing the goal, keeping on refusing to do wrong, and insisting on doing right. We are also to have nature of Christ. And we are to have affection for each other, we are to like one another. Finally we are to add love.

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