
Sunday 22 October 2023

Acts 2:6-13 - What does this mean?


The disciple speaking in all sorts of languages made a loud noise and the people heard that something was going on. The languages they heard were their own languages, and this caused amazement among the people. Moreover, the disciples were not a group of people who were highly skilled in foreign languages! They were Galileans, a group of people who were not generally held in high regard! We then get a list of the languages they heard, and an idea of the extent of the lands represented by the visitors. Moreover, the disciples were declaring the wonders of God, not just babbling random words.


Here we get two reactions. On the one hand there are those who were “amazed and perplexed”. They knew something different was happening. Something significant even, but they didn’t know what it meant. On the other hand there were those who mocked, claiming that the disciples were drunk. When God does something there will always be those who mock, no matter what God does.

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