
Wednesday 18 October 2023

Acts 1:15-19 - Peter stood up


Peter seems to be taking the leading role. We know that he had always been (too) ready to speak up, and then had denied Jesus three times. However, Jesus had restored him (Jn 21:15-23) and told him to feed His sheep. So that is maybe why Peter is taking the lead role here. Peter tells them that Judas being a traitor was foretold in Scripture “through David”, i.e. in the Psalms. Judas had served as a guide for those who arrested Jesus. Judas had been one of the twelve and had shared in all that they did.


Matt 27:1-10 tells us that Judas hung himself. That is not necessarily at odds with 1:18 here. After he was cut down from being hanged his intestines may have burst out. Luke says that knowledge of this was widespread and the place was called Akeldama. These two verses are an aside included by Luke as part of his commitment to the accuracy of his account, and the testability.

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