
Sunday 7 August 2022

Exodus 23:3-5 - Love your enemy


People are very fond of saying that God is on the side of the poor and the oppressed. This is indeed true, and we encounter an example of this a few verses later. However, we must not misunderstand this. We are not to show favouritism to a poor person. The poor and oppressed are still subject to justice. Normally the problem will be the denial of justice, but there are times when it can be assumed that the rich are always wrong and the poor are always right. This is nonsense, and benefits no one. An example of this error today is CRT (critical race theory, which underlies the BLM movement) which can teach that black people cannot be racist, and only white people can be racist. This is utter nonsense, and unbiblical nonsense, even racist nonsense.


 Jesus told us to love our enemies (Matt 5:44). Sometimes it is presented as if this was something new, it was not. Indeed, virtually all the Sermon on the Mount can be found in the Old Testament, and here we have the practical outworking of loving our enemies. So if someone found an ox or donkey wandering off that belonged to an enemy, they were not to take the opportunity to do harm to their enemy, but were to return the animal. Likewise, if the donkey of someone who hated them was really struggling under its load, then they were to help that man and his donkey. Loving our enemies is part of the Law!

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