
Thursday 8 July 2021

Revelation 9:1,2 - He opened the Abyss


We now come to the last three trumpets, which go up a notch in intensity. With the seals the final three were concerned with what was going on in heaven, the last three trumpets are more concerned about demonic activity, though not of the horror movie genre! We should also note that there is no equivalence between the demonic realm and heaven. The Lord has authority over all things. There have been various attempts to identify the “star fallen to earth”, these range from identifying them as demons, or fallen angels, even Satan himself, to good angels or even Christ Himself. This vast range should perhaps tell us that we are not intended to interpret the visions in great detail! Whoever he was, the “star fallen from heaven to earth” was given the key to the “bottomless pit” or the “abyss”. 


He opened the shaft, which seems to be some sort of conduit from the abyss to the earth, and this unleashed all sorts of unpleasantness (to put it mildly!). First of all sun and air were darkened by the smoke from the abyss. When men reject God they unleash demonic activity upon the earth. Now by demonic activity I do not mean goblins, or red creatures with forked tails! I mean something far more serious than that. We reject God at our peril. We may think we are making abid for freedom, but in reality we make ourselves subject to all sorts of things. This happened in Eden, and has been repeated many times over. All sorts of horrors were unleashed when the Nazis came to power in Germany. The West’s current madness will result in untold horrors. By the way, this in no way absolves man of his responsibility, if anything it increases it. It is like someone doing a deal with some evil criminals or the like. The person may think they are just doing a one-off deal but are likely to find out that they have signed up for far more than they bargained for.

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