
Wednesday 30 September 2020

Matthew 12:41-45 - One greater then Jonah is here

Nineveh was where Job went when he finally decided he had no option but to obey the Lord. They did not know of the experience that Job had gone through. Jonah went there in a grump, he had no desire to be there, he had no heart for the people, he did not even want them to repent. Yet the whole city repented. Now Jerusalem had one among them who was far greater than Jonah. Not a messenger of God, but the Son of God, and someone who most certainly did have a heart for the people. The Queen of the South is the Queen of Sheba (1 Kings 10:1). She recognised Solomon’s wisdom and travelled far to hear it. Yet one far wiser than Solomon was here, and Israel did not want to listen. Her judgement would be great.

Jesus then speaks very severe words to “this generation”, it included the leaders, but was not limited to them. Many healings had been performed, many evil spirits had been cast out. The people had benefited for a time from this. But Jesus says it will be like an evil spirit who is cast out of a house for a time and has to wander in the desert. Then it comes back and brings more evil spirits with it. So the final state of the house is actually worse than when it started.  For a time the kingdom of God had been near to Israel, when Jesus was among them. Its presence had been evidenced by the healings and casting out of demons. Israel had benefited from Jesus’ presence, but they had not believed in Him. So when He went away they would be prone to being ruled by evil once again. It is like people who may be healed by Jesus, or receive some other benefit, but they do not repent, they do not believe. So while they are “blessed” for a time, it is only for a time, they will eventually sink back into their previous state, or something even worse.

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