
Saturday 26 September 2020

Jeremiah 26:14-16 - Do with me whatever you think is good and right


Jesus did not resist arrest, Jeremiah responds in a similar way. Why did Jeremiah react like this? And why did Jesus react as He did? It is because they knew that what they were doing and saying was the work and word of the Lord, and that God is in control. The religious leaders could indeed kill him, but if they did they would be bringing blood guilt upon themselves. Peter described the attitude we should have in these sorts of situations in 1 Peter 3:13-22 (and in chapter 4 of that book as well). We need to set apart Christ as Lord in our hearts. Peter had not done this when he denied Jesus three times, but later he did do this.  We need to prepare our minds for action.


The response of the leaders here is markedly different from that of the religious leaders in Jesus’ day. Jesus’ attackers hardened their hearts and went ahead with their evil actions. Here the leaders see sense, at least to some degree. First they recognise that Jeremiah had spoken to them “in the name of the Lord”, and they saw this as a credible claim. We need to recognise that sometimes we will be treated justly, sometimes we will be treated unjustly, but at all times God is the ultimate judge. So we entrust ourselves to Him alone.

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