
Saturday 5 September 2020

Matthew 10:29-33 - Whoever acknowledges me

Then we get what might seem like a softening. Jesus tells us that our Father knows what happens to every single sparrow, and every hair on our head, and that we are worth far more than sparrows. We are precious to our Father, and He is in total control, and cares for us. This does not mean an easy life. Jesus went to the cross, the apostles were mostly martyred. Jesus is urging us to have an eternal perspective, to see things as they really are. Without an eternal perspective we cannot be the servants and sons that we are meant to be.

We now get back to the serious warnings. If we publicly acknowledge Jesus, He will acknowledge us before His Father in heaven. But if we disown Him, He will disown Him before the Father. There are positive and negative sides to this, and it stresses the seriousness of it all. And there is both a temporal and eternal aspect to it. On the eternal aspect, if we own Jesus, He will own us on the last day. If we disown Him, He will disown us. This is quite frightening, and is meant to be. Life matters, what we do with our lives matters. On the temporal side if we live our lives today naming Jesus, then we can be sure that He is praying for us before the Father. We will be in God’s plan and purposes. If we disown Him, then we are on our own. 

There is one further point that we should bear in mind. Peter disowned Jesus three times, but he was not disowned by Jesus forever, he was reinstated. So how do we tie these things together? It is like will we be forgiven if we sin. The answer is yes. Does that mean we should sin? The answer is no. The real answer is that we were saved to live, and to truly live means following Jesus, owning Him, trusting Him. 

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