
Wednesday 9 September 2020

Jeremiah 23:16-20 - Do not listen to false prophets


The false prophets said everything would be OK, that God would not let Babylon conquer the land, but all they were doing was to give the people false hope. And this false hope stopped them repenting. Their so-called visions were produced by their own minds, they were not from the Lord Himself. So the people should not listen to them. So we see that both the false prophets and the hearers have a responsibility. The false prophets should have stopped speaking lies, but the hearers should not listen to them. We have a responsibility to be careful about what we listen to. “To those who follow the stubbornness of their hearts they say “No harm will come to you”. This is not kindness. To tell people that sin is not sin is to deceive them, to encourage them down a road of destruction.


These false prophets claimed to be wise, but they had not “stood in the council of the Lord”. They had not listened to His word. Likewise, today if anyone claims to be wise but they are not instructed by the word of God then they are not wise at all. So what will happen? The storm of the Lord’s wrath will break out. And there will be no turning back of this wrath. It is absolutely imperative that we listen to the word of God. To do anything else is utter foolishness and can have dire consequences. The Lord will accomplish His purposes, and a time will come when we will understand that.

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