
Tuesday 26 April 2022

John 13:6-8 - You shall never wash my feet!


Jesus comes to Peter and Peter is aghast that Jesus is about to wash his feet. Jesus declares to him that he does not understand what Jesus is doing, but that later He will do, meaning after the crucifixion. It is important to note in this whole incident that there are two interlinked aspects to it. One is that it is an example of how we should act and love one another, being prepared to do whatever is needed. The other is that there is a close connection to what Jesus was going to do for us on the cross.  We will say more of that later. It is a great pity that we so often tend to split the two aspects off. There are those who will focus on the “social gospel” or “community action”, or “social justice”, but will have a very lax attitude towards sin, even positively condoning what the Bible quite clearly prohibits. On the other hand, there are those who will treat sin with the seriousness that it deserves, but can be light on the practical gospel. I have to say that I think the former is by far the greater problem, but I may be biassed.


‘Peter said to him, “You shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no share with me.”’ We now come to the link between the task of washing the disciples’ feet and the cross. They knew that feet needed to be washed. In the same way we need to be cleansed of our sin. Yet Peter exhibited pride in refusing to let Jesus wash his feet. Accepting Jesus as our saviour, as the one who rescues us from sin requires humility on our part. We can react against this, thinking that we can sort out our sinfulness ourselves. We need to let Jesus cleanse us from sin, otherwise we “have no share with Him”.

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