
Sunday 10 January 2021

Jeremiah 51:25-33 - Lift up a banner in the land!


“You who destroy the whole earth”. This another example that clearly demonstrates that taking a literal interpretation of all verses in the Bible is not a sensible approach. Babylon had not destroyed the whole earth, but only within the region. However, if we then take Babylon as representing the world system under Satan we see that “Babylon” has had a terribly destructive influence upon the whole earth. So a little common sense is needed in interpreting verses. Babylon would be completely destroyed, and the world system will one day be completely destroyed.


A vast army would come against Babylon, with the Medes being the primary conquerors, but other nations would be involved as well. The message is clear, Babylon will fall and has no chance. All her strength and courage will be gone. She is reaping the harvest of her wickedness. The descriptions could have applied to the Nazi Germany when the Russians utterly overwhelmed this once dominant land.

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