
Sunday 10 March 2019

Mark 1:29-33 - Healing a mother-in-law

They then went to the home of Simon and Andrew. The healing of Simon’s mother-in-law is also recorded in Luke 4:38,39. She had a fever, so we now have had Jesus casting demons out, and healing people of diseases. Jesus brings freedom and healing into people’s lives.


At sundown they brought all who were sick or oppressed by demons (or demon-possessed). The significance of sundown is that the Sabbath would have ended then, so they would be allowed to walk there, and possibly to carry the sick. Note the close connection and the distinction between the sick and demon-possessed. Not all sickness is directly related to demonic activity, but some is, and some psychological illnesses are related to demonic activity (but not all). There may well be an element of hyperbole in Mark saying “the whole city”, but large numbers came to Jesus, and it was the healing that was the primary attraction.

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