
Monday 27 August 2018

Obadiah 1:15-17 - The day of the Lord is near

Obadiah then draws a more general lesson. “The day of the Lord is near for all nations”. The day of the Lord is not just a single day, but a time when God’s judgement comes, when things are brought into His order. We all need to be aware of this. Nations and individuals will be judged for what they have and have not done. This awareness of a day of judgement is a key factor in a civilised world, and when a society abandons all concept of a final accounting it will slowly, or quickly, descend into chaos and inhumanity.


Edom has been castigated for going along with Babylon (if we accept the later date) in mocking and taking advantage of Israel’s downfall. But Edom had drastically misread the situation. She thought this was the end of Israel, and why not take advantage of the situation? However, the final outcome would be that there would be deliverance on Mount Zion, there would be holiness there. Now consider this carefully. Why was Israel destroyed by Babylon? It was because of her persistent sin, as various prophets attest to. But that was not to be the end. She would be delivered, and she would become holy. Anyone who holds to any replacement theology like ideas should pay very careful attention to this verse. Israel will be exalted, and it will happen purely because of the grace of God.

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