
Tuesday 26 June 2018

Acts 6:5-7 - The magnificent seven

The proposal was well received by the disciples. We have a habit of either going for democracy in all things, or a more autocratic type of rule, whether by an individual or a group of people. In the New Testament we find generally decisions are made by the leader or by a group of people (typically apostles or elders), but we also find here that the “will of the people” is also considered. In the Old Testament the “will of the people” is also important, sometimes for good, sometimes for evil. We must not make an idol out of any system or mechanism. The seven chosen all had Greek names. This is not absolute proof that they were all Greek Jews as Palestinians sometimes adopted Greek names as well, but it is most likely that many of the seven were Greek Jews. So consideration was given to the nature of the problem being addressed.


“And the word of God continued to increase”. Growth happens both because of dramatic spiritual events, and because practical problems are dealt with in a godly manner. It is not one or the other, but both. So many disciples were added. Note that in Matt 28:19,20 Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations. It is not just about adding numbers, but active and committed followers of the Lord. A great many priests were also added. So the gospel was reaching into the heart of Judaism itself. This also explains how Luke might have known some of the inner discussions of the Sanhedrin.

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