
Tuesday 12 June 2018

Acts 4:33-37 - Not a needy person among them

“With great power ... “ There is no direct indication of what the “great power” means here. It could be the boldness and clarity of their gospel preaching, or it might also include signs and wonders. The most important point is that they testified to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. The resurrection was the heart of the apostolic preaching. Cessationists (those who say spiritual gifts were for the early church only) often say that the gifts were given to affirm the apostles. It seems to me that the it is more accurate to say that the gifts were given to affirm the gospel. On this basis, the spiritual gifts are just as relevant today as they were in the early church, but we also need to keep in mind that the emphasis is on proclaiming the gospel, in word and deed.

The grace of God was powerfully at work in all of them. This showed itself in their sharing their material possessions. So there was “no needy person among them”. Jesus said where your treasure is there is your heart will also be (Matt 6:21). What we do with our money is a clear indication of where our heart is. It also works the other way. Where we put our money will tend to pull our heart along as well.
“And put it as the apostles’ feet”. This verse (or rather half a verse) is sometimes misused. Sometimes it is used as an excuse for people giving money to so-called apostles. This is a gross misuse of the verse. The whole verse makes it clear was that the purpose was to enable the apostles to distribute the money to those in need, not for their personal enrichment.


This verse is another example of people being known by more than one name. Joseph, or Barnabas, was a Levite who had apparently become a Christian. Barnabas means “son of encouragement”. His nature was to encourage others, and this was done in practical ways, as illustrated by his selling of a field. Later on he was to play a significant role in the missionary activity of the church, helping the apostle Paul.

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