
Sunday 25 September 2016

Hebrews 6:11,12 - Don't become lazy

6:11 The translations here when they speak of your being fully realized (NIV) sometimes give the impression that we do these things so that our hope will come true. I am not sure that that is the real meaning. The Amplified Version perhaps captures the meaning when it says “realise and enjoy the full assurance of hope”. If we are lazy in our faith, paying little attention to following Christ then we most certainly will not enjoy full assurance of hope. If instead we persist in following Christ diligently we will find that our hope increases, we become more and more convinced of the truth and reliability of it all. 6:12 Laziness will produce nothing good. People sometimes ask how do I get more faith, why does so and so seem to be so much more secure in Christ than I am? We get more faith and security by actively living out our faith, by putting effort in! This growth is generally a slow ongoing process, not an overnight thing, though there may be times when there are spurts of growth. The more we live by faith, the more we will find that faith is justified.

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