
Tuesday 6 September 2016

Hebrews 3:12,13 - No easy message

People sometimes mistakenly think that the New Testament is “easier” than the Old Testament. We can now sin and get away with it, or so the thinking goes. Nothing could be further from the truth, and the argument of Hebrews is that things are now even more serious and vital. So the argument is that the Israelites did have sinful and unbelieving hearts and had turned away from the living God, and they paid a heavy price for doing that. How much more will we pay a price if we too turn away from God?!


So instead of taking a lackadaisical approach, we are to be vigilant. Moreover, this is not just a matter of us taking care of ourselves. Instead we are to encourage one another. The reference to “Today” harks back to the beginning of the quotation from Psalm 95. The warning in Psalm 95 applies to us as well. Sin is deceitful. We are all experts in sin having had a lifelong experience of it! And we know that it is deceitful. It promises what it cannot deliver, it distorts our thinking and our vision. It hardens our hearts. So we need to be on our guard against sin at all times.

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