
Tuesday 27 October 2015

John 20:19-21 - Peace be with you!

The disciples would be feeling fearful. Their leader had been killed. Since then they had discovered that His tomb was empty. Mary, a woman, had told them He was alive, but why should they believe her! They would fear that the Jewish authorities might well come after them next.
With the disciples in this state of fear Jesus came and stood among them. Now the door was locked, either Jesus passed through the walls or door, or the door was miraculously unlocked. “Peace be with you!”. When under pressure Jesus stands with us, and His blessing upon us is His peace.
Jesus then showed them His hands and side. There those who talk about a spiritual resurrection. Such people are speaking nonsense, the message of the Bible is that the resurrection was very much physical. The disciples were overjoyed.
So why had joy come into the situation? The circumstances had not changed, but they now knew so much more about who Jesus is, He is the risen Lord. In all our circumstances what we need is to know Jesus better.


Jesus again gave them His peace, He then also gave them a commission. “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” As mentioned earlier, at about chapter 14 a new theme is introduced into John’s gospel. Up to then it is all about Jesus, who He is, His mission, His relationship with the Father. Then at about chapter 14 a new theme is introduced, and that new theme is about us, our mission, our relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are to do the things that Jesus did, and in the same way.

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