
Tuesday 13 October 2015

John 19:1-5 - Here is the man!

Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged. The exact nature of the flogging is not made known, and could have ranged from a relatively mild flogging (I emphasise the word relatively!) to the very severe floggings given prior to crucifixion. Remember that Jesus has not been sentenced at this point. Pilates’ hope is that this will appease the Jews. Note that he had some respect for the truth, knowing that Jesus was innocent, but not enough to make a stand on the issue.

The soldiers mocked Jesus and the Jews. They made a mock crown out of thorns and placed it on His head, along with a purple robe. Purple was a colour associated with royalty. The soldiers taunted Jesus by striking Him on the face (an action of insult) and pretending to honour Him as the king of the Jews.


Having had Jesus whipped and humiliated, Pilate takes Him out to the Jews again, hoping that now they will be satisfied and happy to have Him released. Pilate tells them again that he can find no guilt in Jesus. Jesus was brought out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, ie looking suitably ridiculous and humiliated.

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