
Monday 19 October 2015

John 19:28-31 - Death

Jesus now knew that His work was finished, He had paid the price of our sin. The reference to Scripture being fulfilled is possible a reference to Ps 69:21. Earlier (Mark 15:23) Jesus had refused a drink of wine mixed with myrrh. The myrrh had a sedative effect and so would dull the pain a little, Jesus needed to experience the cross in full. This drink of sour wine was used to quench the thirst, and Jesus’ work was now finished. Hyssop is associated with the Passover (Ex 15:22; Ps 51:7).  Jesus said "It is finished". This seems rather tame, but in Matt 27:50 and Mark 15:37 we read that it was a loud cry. Furthermore, "It is finished" is the victory cry uttered when a conquest is complete. Jesus had completed His work. He then "gave up His spirit". This emphasises the fact that Jesus gave His life, it was not taken from Him.


Preparation day was preparation for the Sabbath, but this was a special Sabbath because it was Passover week. So, true to their religious sensibilities, they did not want the bodies left on the cross on the Sabbath. So they asked Pilate to have the legs broken. A victim of crucifixion would use their legs to lift themselves up so they could breath. If their legs were broken they would die very quickly. So again we see the the blinding and distorting effect of sin on our minds. The Jewish leaders were fastidious about minor details, but were totally blind to the horror of what they were perpetrating on the Son of God.

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