
Thursday 22 October 2015

John 20:1,2 - Who rolled away the stone?

Mary went to the tomb on the first day of the week. This was Sunday, and it is because this was the day that Jesus rose again that it became the standard day of worship. Mary went early, no doubt to complete the burial preparations which had not been completed because of the Sabbath.  She saw that the stone had been moved.


Mary’s response was to run to Simon Peter. and John (the other disciple). At this point she thought the body had been taken away, as if killing Him wasn’t enough, He couldn’t even receive a decent burial. She had no thought of resurrection at this point, The “we” in “we do not know” indicates the presence of other women beside Mary. Opponents of the gospel are very keen to say that there are contradictions between the gospel accounts of the resurrection. Trying to piece everything together into a completely consistent whole can be difficult, but we need to remember that none of the gospel writers were trying to give an absolutely complete account. Each gave some of the details and looked at things from a particular perspective. There is complete agreement on the key facts, Jesus is risen! Moreover, a little thought often reveals that supposed contradictions are more imagined than real. For instance, other gospel accounts indicate that there were at least two women present. While John focuses on Mary, the “we” here shows that there is no necessary contradiction with the other accounts.

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