
Tuesday 22 September 2015

John 16:29-33 - Plain speaking

The disciples were human beings and now keen to demonstrate that they were understanding what Jesus was saying. So they declare that Jesus was now indeed speaking clearly. Of course, this is not what Jesus actually said (v25), He was talking about some point in the future.
However, the disciples had grasped some things. They knew that Jesus came from God. “You do not even need to have anyone ask you questions”. A lot of teaching was done in the style of answering questions. While Jesus did answer questions, He could also just speak the truth, for He knew an awful lot more than anyone else did!

The disciples may have been trying to gain favour with Jesus, to show that they weren’t as thick as they sometimes seemed to be! However, Jesus was not impressed. Jesus knew exactly what was in their hearts, He knew exactly what their current state was. So very soon they would all be scattered and He would be left alone. Jesus knows the truth about us, yet still loves us and still works in our lives to transform us. Yet Jesus was not alone, for the Father was with Him. So it is with us. There may be times when we seem to be abandoned, but even in those times the Lord is with us.


The disciples needed to realise the true nature of the peace that God gives. It is not like the world’s peace, it is peace in the midst of trouble (Psalm 138:7, 23:5). We need to grasp the full extent of Jesus’ teaching, the full depths of His assurance. The Bible does not give superficial comfort, but true comfort.

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