
Sunday 13 September 2015

John 16:1,2 - They will kill you

Another opportunity to remind you to look at what has gone before when interpreting a verse. “All this I have told you so that you will not fall away”. All what? Jesus has told them various things that could result in them falling away. First, He is going to leave them. Secondly the world will hate them. He has also told them about the Holy Spirit, about the closeness of their relationship with Him and the Father, and about them doing greater works. We need to have a complete picture of the gospel and all that it entails.
Remember also that earlier Jesus has said He will not lose any of those the Father has given to Him. This does not mean there is not an active part to be played on our part in listening, believing and obeying.


Jesus now stresses the seriousness of the events that will unfold. The Jews would react violently against the disciples. This would result in them being put out of the synagogues. Society rejecting and ostracizing Christianity is a normal event in history. It happened with the Jews right at the start, it happened with Communism, it is starting to happen now in the West. The Jews thought they were doing God a service. IS think they are doing God a service when they kill Christians. Our misguided society in the West, and in parts of the church, think they are doing God a service when they reject Biblical sexual morality. Notice the seriousness of it all, “when they kill you”. Following Jesus is not a game.

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