
Tuesday 8 September 2015

John 15:16,17 - I chose you

Just as we did not create ourselves, so we did not choose Jesus. He created us and He chose us. Now this immediately upsets people, and again we need to look at the Bible as a whole. Every book of the Bible is quite clear that what we do matters, what we think matters, what we decide matters. So if you have an understanding of God’s sovereignty that renders our choices and actions irrelevant then you have a misunderstanding of God’s sovereignty. However, we need to be perfectly clear where the initiative lies, and that is with God. In fact, predestination really should not cause us a problem at all. We would not exist at all unless God had decided to create us, we are completely dependent upon Him, and yet we know that our existence is real, we are not just a toy. So it is with predestination. If you look at any place in the Bible, such as here, where it is mentioned you will see that it is never given as an interesting philosophical problem, or to start a theological debate. Rather it is always given so that we have a right understanding of life, and to motivate and encourage us.
Just think for a moment. If my being a disciple of Christ was entirely dependent upon me what hope would I have of fulfilling that commitment? None at all. But the choice lies with Jesus, He chose us. And He chose us so that we “might go and bear fruit, fruit that will last”. We have been chosen for a purpose, and saved for a purpose.

Then see again the promise of answered prayer and the context of that promise. It is so that we will bear fruit for the kingdom. Just as the promise of answered prayer was repeated, so the command to love one another is repeated.

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