
Sunday 20 September 2015

John 16:21-24 - Whatever you ask

Jesus then likens the situation to a woman giving birth. The actual time of giving birth is the most painful (or so I am told, I am a man!), but afterwards the baby is born, the very thing she has been hoping for all these months is now here and the pain is forgotten. Joy overcomes anguish. So the whole purpose of Jesus coming to earth was about to be fulfilled, there would be enormous pain, most of all for Jesus Himself, but then exceedingly great joy.
The disciples were about to go through grief, but this would soon be replaced by pain. It would be replaced with a joy that cannot be taken away. We need to understand this principle of God’s working in life.

Now this does not mean we should not pray to Jesus, what it does mean is that we can pray direct to the Father. Under the Levitical system God could not be approached directly, but only through a priest. After the cross the barrier between man and God was removed, for all who believe. When we ask in Jesus’ name the Father will give us whatever we ask for. Now this does not mean we get whatever we want, it does mean that when we are walking in the Spirit, doing the work of Christ, we will receive what we ask for. We will be fully equipped and fully provided for when we are working in complete harmony with Christ.

Now some might say that this is not much of a promise, if we ask God for what He wants then He will give it to us, but no promise that we will get whatever we want. But such an objection completely misses the point and is totally man-centered, which is the root of the problem. The world at the time was very much against Jesus. The disciples were about to be rudely reminded of this. Then when the church started they would face continual opposition and persecution. Following Jesus in such times would be a difficult prospect from a purely human perspective. Likewise today society is increasingly anti-Christian. How can we manage to live as Christians? Should we give in and go along with society? No we should not. We should continue to faithfully follow Jesus, knowing that our prayers will be answered when we walk in His will.

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