
Wednesday 29 August 2012

Romans 15:5-7 -

Notice that endurance and encouragement are granted to enable us to live at harmony with each other. We all know that getting on with some other people can be difficult at times.  And the truth Is that at times we ourselves can be difficult to get on with. So we (and those who have to get one with me!) need endurance and encouragement. We need to stick at it and not give up on people. We also need encouragement that there is hope! You see the Bible is both completely realistic about how things are, but also full of hope about how things can be.
Jesus prayed that we would be one. Unity exalts the Lord. Now this is not a unity that ignores truth or real differences, but let’s be honest, most of our differences are not really about rational disagreements.
God’s purpose for humanity is that all of us will glorify Him together. So we are to welcome each other as Christ welcomed us. When He welcomed us were not attractive, we had done nothing to earn His respect. In fact we had done quite the opposite, yet He invited us to get to know Him. Now how do we react when we meet people? We ask ourselves if we like them or not, we look for good qualities in them. Now up to a point this is OK and is very sensible. However, we have been sent out to call the lost, and many of the lost will be dresses in rags. They will have all sorts of character flaws (just like you and me, by the way). We need the grace of God in our lives to be able to get to know people who we might naturally recoil from.
Now this is not a call to be total fools. We need wisdom and discernment, but Godly discernment includes knowing when someone, despite all sorts of outward reactions is actually reaching out to God. Lord gives us the love that you have.

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