
Sunday 12 August 2012

Romans 10:14-16 - Let them hear

Paul is continuing to explain here how salvation works. In the earlier parts of Romans he has focussed on the message itself. In chapters 6-8 he focusses on how it works out in the life of the individual. In chapters 9-11 he is explaining how God brings the message to the world. 
He has just established that all who call on Jesus will be saved. The logical next step from that is that if people are saved if they call on the Lord, then they need to believe in Christ. And in order to believe they need to hear in the first place. And if they are to hear, then someone needs to tell them. And if someone is to tell them, that person needs to be sent.
Another common objection to the gospel is that it is unfair on those who have not heard. The Bible has a very practical answer to this, if that is the case then go and tell them. It is a good thing to get good news.
Not all the Jews, indeed not many of them, obeyed the gospel. Note the use of the word obeyed. The good news is a command. And in the book of Isaiah, where many of Paul's quotes come from, the prophet was told that many would not believe.

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