
Thursday 16 August 2012

Romans 11:13-24 - To not be arrogant

Paul is addressing the Gentile (non-Jewish) believers. Paul clearly thought it important for them to understand the place that Israel had, the place that it has, and how God's overall plan will work out. This implies that we too need to have an understanding. Why is this? What has Israel got to do with us? Essentially the reason is twofold. First, without understanding how God's salvation works with Israel, we will not understand how it works with us. Secondly, we should pray for Israel and look forward to the day when they finally believe in Christ. This will be the culmination of God's plans.
What exactly is Paul saying in verse 16. Short answer is I am not sure! Maybe he is urging them to see themselves as part of God's overall plan, and this does make some sense, and is true. The first fruits and the root could refer to Christ. Jesus came to earth as a Jew, we cannot and should not forget this fact. And so eventually all Israel will be saved.
Paul then warns them (and us) against pride. We must not consider ourselves better than the Jews. There have been times in history when the church has failed woefully in this regard. Israel shows that God treats unbelief and disobedience very seriously. He will also treat unbelief and disobedience on our part very seriously. There is no scope whatsoever for arrogance.
We need to keep in mind both the kindness and the severity of God. So much of our current wrong thinking is a result of considering only the kindness of God. It is also essential that we recognise that we are part of the grand plan that started with Abraham, and of which Israel was and is a key part.

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