
Sunday 14 August 2011

Deuteronomy 28:1,2 - Exalted above all nations

This chapter is very similar to the corresponding one in Leviticus 26. Now we need to face up to a very fundamental fact. On our own merits every single one of us is in for the curses. Sometimes preachers proclaim these verses with a whe-hay. Well, as they stand they are bad news, for not one of us has "fully obeyed the Lord", so it is the curses for us then! There is only one man who has "fully obeyed the Lord", and that is Jesus Christ.  So it is only in Christ that we can take encouragement from these verses.
Having said that, there is much we can gain from these verses, remembering that it is only in Christ that we benefit from them. "I will exalt you above all nations". Now Jesus has been given the name above all names, has been exalted above every power and authority. But we are seated with Him in heavenly places. Now this is not pie in the sky, or fairy tale nonsense. It means that we are potentially the most influential people on earth. In every situation we find ourselves in we must act and live in a Christlike way. Some may find themselves in places of power, others just in everyday circumstances. It does not matter. We must be Christlike at all times, and we will find that the love and power of God flows through us in those situations.
We need to appreciate this. We are the people of God. Let me give you a very practical example. The country, along with most of the world, is going through an economic crisis. We should make it a goal to continue giving, even to increase our giving. For God is not suffering an economic downturn. The source of our life and strength is the Lord Jesus Christ, and He never fails.

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