
Friday 12 August 2011

Deuteronomy 26 - Giving and serving

First we get instructions on tithes. After they had conquered the land they were to give some of the first produce to the Lord. Now there are several things to note about all this. First it happened after they had conquered the land, ie after God had fulfilled His promise. They were giving out of what they had (as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 8,9). In giving they were acknowledging that it was God who had given them the land. Our tithes are a recognition of the ultimate source of our provision.
Then they were to remember where they had come from and how they had got here. Without the Lord they were nothing. The same applies to all of us. Not one of us had any say in our conception! To imagine that we are in full control of our lives is shear lunacy. None of us really knows why our heart continues to beat. We are capable of many things, but we need to recognise our true place as well. Without the Lord we are nothing. 
Then the giving was to be a time of celebration. They were to celebrate all the other things they had after having given to God, and they were to share this with everyone.
Every third year there was a special tithe for the Levites, and various groups of needy people, including foreigners. Giving to the poor has always been an essential part of the Christian life.
Finally we are to be completely committed to the Lord. We are His special people. Now remember the promise to Abraham, that all nations on earth would be blessed through him. This special relationship with God that we have is not a cause for being inward looking or self-satisfied, it is one from which we are able to bring God's blessing to all people. Jesus commanded this when He said go in to all the world.

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