
Saturday 13 August 2011

Deuteronomy 27 - Remembering and Curses

When they entered the land they were to set up stones with the Law written on them. So there were two key things that they needed to remember. One was that it was the Lord who had brought them into the land, and secondly the way that the Lord had commanded them to live. It is the same for us today. We need to remind ourselves always that it is only because of Christ that we have been saved, but we also need to focus on the new way of living that Jesus taught and showed us. Being saved is not a ticket to heaven, it is about eternal life, about living a Christlike life.
This is followed by a whole list of curses that the Levites were to proclaim. Now a curse is not a spell, rather it is God's judgement on man's sin. So what the Levites are doing is declaring various actions that are sinful, that will bring God's wrath (His righteous judgement) upon the people.
Many of the prohibitions are the opposite of the Ten Commandments, eg despising your parents rather than honouring them. Several of these concern sexual sins. Sexual sins are different from others, because they affect our very being in a way that other sins do not. As Paul said, other sins are committed outside the body, sexual sins are committed in the body (1 Corinthians 6).

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