
Wednesday 6 April 2011

Numbers 23,24 - More oracles

Balaam gave Balak instructions, which he carried out. Remember that it is Balak who is the king, he had gone to Balaam to fulfil hos own purposes. However, if you consult the occult then you will quickly lose control and come under the power of something else.
The Lord gave Balaam a word. This surprises us, for why did God give this pagan man a word? 
Balaam declares that he cannot curse the Israelites, and instead declares that they will be exceedingly numerous. Man is not in control of the spirit realm, but neither are demons. God is the one who is in ultimate control.
Balak is not best pleased with this outcome! Now they thought in those days that gods had authority over particular areas, so he takes Balaam to another place, hoping that Balaam will be able to curse the Israelites from there. 
Not surprisingly, this made no difference and Balaam declared another blessing on Israel, in fact a greater one than before if anything. 
One thing we can definitely learn from this is that if we trust in the Lord we need have no fear of spiritual forces, for they are all subject to God's authority.
Balak still did not give up, but Balaam seems to be learning and this time just turns to the Israelites expecting to be given a blessing to declare over them. And so it happened. However, Balaam is also becoming proud (see 24:3,4).
Balak is furious, but Balaam tells him that he had warned him what would happen. Balaam goes on to declare several more oracles, then returns home. In the oracles he declares destruction of various nations, except Israel.

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