
Saturday 16 April 2011

Matthew 13:44-58 - Motivated by joy

Now we get two parables that teach us about the attitude that we should have towards the kingdom of God. In short we do everything we can to get hold of it. Note that the man who sold all he had did so with joy. He was not making a sacrifice, rather he had found something of great worth, and so was delighted to be able to buy it.
If at times we find being a Christian a burden, then we should ask the Holy Spirit to fill us anew with the joy of the Lord. The human way of religion is to get people to do something our of a sense of guilt or fear, the Holy Spirit's way is to motivate us by joy.
The final parable in this section tells a similar lesson to that of the weeds and wheat. All sorts will be brought into the kingdom of God, but their will be a final sorting out at the end of time. Again we get the message that the final sorting out is upto God.
The disciples claimed to have understood all that Jesus had taught. Then Jesus says that a disciple of the kingdom will bring out new and old treasures. Those who preach and teach in the kingdom should not be merely repeating "learnt" teachings. Now there should be consistency, but we should also be teaching from the heart.
While His disciples accepted Him, many in His hometown did not. They were offended that a mere carpenter's son could be doing such things. Jesus does not seem worried about this, but seems to treat it as a fact of life.

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