
Sunday 3 April 2011

Numbers 20:14-29 - Edomites

Edom was a nation that had grown out of Esau, that is why Moses says "this is what your brother Israel says".
Moses reminds them of Israel's history, and asks for permission to travel through the land. He makes a very reasonable request, promising not to be a burden to the Edomites at all.
Despite this Edom refused, and threatened to attack them. Moses appeals again, saying they will pay for any food or water that they take. Edom still refused, so the Israelites turned away. This reminds us of Jesus words to the disciples when He sent them out. If a place refused to welcome them they were just to leave. We do not need to make everything into a big battle. Sometimes we just have to accept the answer no. If someone says no when they should have said yes, then that is their problem.
At the beginning of the passage we read of the death of Miriam, now Aaron dies. Aaron was held responsible along with Moses for what happened at Meribah. Aaron's careers so far had had far more "blotches" on it than had Moses'.
The Old Testament often speaks of someone being "gathered to his people", as it does here with Aaron. There is a hint here that death is not seen as the end. A successor was appointed to Aaron and the whole community mourned for thirty days.

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