
Tuesday 7 December 2010

Matthew 6:1-4 - Giving

We need to read these verses in the light of what Jesus said earlier in Matthew 5:16, where he told us to let our light shine. What Jesus is teaching here is the importance of our heart attitude. In one sense it actually does not matter at all if people see what we are giving, what does matter is what is in our heart. But our hearts being the way they are, it is better to do most giving in secret.
The religious types of the day made a big show of giving. The key thing is to whom are you looking to for a reward? If it is to impress men with your so-called "righteousness" then having made a big show of giving, you have received everything you want, so God will not give you anything else. 
You see the frightening thing about God is that He often gives people exactly what they want. If someone wants nothing to do with God, then God may have nothing to do with him, and that is a terrible state to be in.
So it is wise to do most of our giving in private. What about rewards? Should we be giving in order to gain a reward? Well, yes and no. The notion pedalled by some that we should give so that God will make us rich is not what Jesus is talking about. When we give we should be looking for it to have an effect. If we give to the poor we should be looking for them to be made rich. If we are giving to a missionary organisation we should be looking for them to be fruitful. If we are giving to our church we should be looking for the church to grow in influence and in size. 
We should also be looking for our relationship with God to deepen, and the more we give the closer we come to God. For the nature of God is to give, so when we give we become more like Him.
Our focus should be in the person or organisation we are giving to, and seeking to see them or it prosper.

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