
Sunday 5 December 2010

Matthew 5:38-42 - An eye for an eye

We now come to responding to evil. The "eye for an eye" instructions from the Law were not an excuse for revenge, but a limit on judgement. Ie they were intended to ensure that the punishment fitted the crime, but did not exceed it, ie it did not give excuse for an orgy of retribution. This is the way a governmental authority should act. The problem with our society is that all too often crimes do not receive just punishment. Conversely there are some cases where excessive penalty is paid.
However, as individuals, as God's citizens in this world, we are to act differently. "Do not resist an evil person". I think it is fair to take this as applying to ourselves where the price paid is paid by us. If we see someone doing harm to someone else, then, if it is within our power to do so, we should act. All the examples given here are ones where we pay the price.
Roman soldiers had the right to demand that a Jew carry his stuff for one mile. No doubt the people resented this. Jesus says that the response should be to offer to go two miles. This would have the benefit of totally confusing the soldier! There is more than one way to overcome evil. Straight forward opposition is not the only way.
One application to "do not resist evil" is reacting to abortion. There are some extreme groups (mostly in US) who have gone as far as bombing abortion clinics. This is not the way to respond. Proper protest is OK, but reacting to evil with evil is not. 

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