
Monday 27 December 2010

Leviticus 5:14-7:21 - Unintentional sins

Now we come to the guilt offering, and again there is an emphasis on unintentional sins. We very readily say "I didn't mean to", and often this may well be true. So why were offerings still needed, why are unintentional sins so important? The reason is that sin is more than what we do, it is what we are. Our very nature is corrupted, so we can sin without trying! We need both forgiveness and a new nature, which is why we need to be born again of the Holy Spirit. 
With guilt offerings, as well as the sacrifice, the person had to pay restitution.
Chapter 6 starts to talk about specific sins, deceiving or cheating someone. We can do this so easily, lies can slip out without thinking. Later the person realises what they have done. They must then seek forgiveness, and seek to put things right if possible.
The chapter then moves on to what had to be done with the various offerings. A key point is that it is God who decides how things are to be done. Our human nature is to think that we should decide how things should be done, and no one else has the right to tell us how to do things. If we want to get right with God we need to submit to Him, there needs to be a change of heart.

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