
Sunday 3 January 2010

Hebrews 9:23-28

The sheep and goats may have been sufficient for the copy of the real thing, but heaven itself needed something far greater, something far better. Jesus came to achieve something that was a whole order of magnitude better. He was going to enter the very presence of the Father. Now as He was God, and came from God we may ask why there was such a fuss about this. Why the fuss over going back to where He came from?

The reason for the fuss is that He came to earth so He could enable us to enter the presence of God. He returned on our behalf. So there needed to be a sacrifice that was sufficient to cleanse us of our sins, of our guilt. Only the blood of Jesus could provide that.

As well as the quality of the sacrifice being different, Jesus only needed to offer Himself once. For His death and resurrection dealt with sin once and for all. We need to be reminded of this frequently, but only needed to happen once.

When He returns Jesus will bring salvation with Him. What does this mean? I thought we were saved already? Yes, but this will be the culmination of all things. At that time we will be transformed in an instant, and there will be no vestige of sin left in us. We will be like Him.

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