
Monday 4 January 2010

Hebrews 10:1-4

Verse 1 states what the whole point of the writers argument has been about, namely that the Law was just a shadow of what was to come. It contained hints and types of the what would come, but it was only a shadow, it was not the real thing. As a result it could never make people perfect.

Now the corollary of this is that the purpose of the good news is to make people perfect. Of course we are not made perfect this side of eternity, but one day we will be. When Jesus returns, whether we are raised from the dead on that day, or whether we are alive and transformed, we will be made perfect. In the meantime we are transformed from one degree of glory to the next. Ie we experience the first fruits of this, we experience God working changes in our lives through the Holy Spirit.

The writer emphasises the point by drawing attention to the repeated offering of sacrifices under the Law. Moreover, he mentions the fact the the people still felt guilty. Again, the corollary of this is that we should expect perfect peace with God, knowing that our sins have been dealt with and that He no longer holds anything against us.

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